Young Drivers, and Road Safety

Something happened a couple of weeks ago that Jack had been beside himself with excitement about for ages. He had his very first ever-driving lesson. I know arghhh what happened to my little boy.


I will be honest it has been a month of milestones, a month of growing up. And us having to accept he is growing up, but a driving lesson was a huge thing.

The driving lesson was run and organised by Young Drivers, an amazing initiative designed to install a sense of responsibility and road safety into the young drivers of today.

IMG_6504Jack had a 30-minute lesson; although it was on a dedicated track, I will be honest; I nearly had a heart attack when we arrived. As there were other young drivers on the track, I mean what if one of them lost control, what if Jack did?  But the whole process is expertly managed and coordinated by the amazing driving instructors.

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You Know You Live With Boys When?

So here I am in a house full of boys, I love them all so much, but have shared before how they have changed me from a girly girl to someone much more adventurous.

I thought I would compile a little list of things that I have got used too, things that in everyday life have become the norm; that if you would have told me years ago I would have accepted this little lot, I would have never believed you.


  • I currently have a chicken skull soaking in bleach on my kitchen windowsill. Joe found it last week in the garden and wanted to preserve it, so there it is. The next stage will be scrubbing it with bleach and a toothbrush to ensure all the germs are gone. Not my idea of fun but I didn’t want to be a killjoy and make him dispose of it.

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