You Know You Live With Boys When?

So here I am in a house full of boys, I love them all so much, but have shared before how they have changed me from a girly girl to someone much more adventurous.

I thought I would compile a little list of things that I have got used too, things that in everyday life have become the norm; that if you would have told me years ago I would have accepted this little lot, I would have never believed you.


  • I currently have a chicken skull soaking in bleach on my kitchen windowsill. Joe found it last week in the garden and wanted to preserve it, so there it is. The next stage will be scrubbing it with bleach and a toothbrush to ensure all the germs are gone. Not my idea of fun but I didn’t want to be a killjoy and make him dispose of it.

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Things I love about being a Mum

I thought of the title first. Then I sat here for ages trying to pinpoint what I love about being a Mum. And I mean ages, then I started to delete it because I couldn’t think what to write, but I felt guilty; there is no way I could delete a post I have started about what I love about being a Mum. How disloyal to the boys. But the truth is, I couldn’t list it, because I love everything, and I mean everything.

IMG_5482.JPGSo I am going to try to list it, try to quantify exactly what I love about being a Mum.

  • Well the first thing has to be my children, obvious I know. But without these mega frustratingly wonderful boys, I would have this amazing job.
  • The fact that even though I seem to have become embarrassing in public, they still tell me they love me every day. It makes me feel so special every time they say it.
  • They have made me a braver person, you would never have got me tree trekking or climbing before they came along. But you will try almost any activity to support your children won’t you? (If you are reading this boys, I draw the line a gator land, this is NOT negotiable.  The thought of it makes me feel physically sick. And what if one of you got eaten whilst we were there? Yes you never thought of that did you)

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Stocking Filler Idea’s for Teenage Boys

So I have finally ordered my first Christmas present, and have arranged a shopping trip to try to get on top of the whole situation. I need to get a bit organised, because it’s not just about ticking names of a list is it? I like to consider the taste of the person I am buying for, look at their interests and hobbies to get a present that is just right.

There is nothing worse than a useless present, and I will not apologise for saying this but I have had the odd present in the past that is just better with the wrapping on. But more of that next week, in my post the Ghosts’s of Christmas Presents Past.

Today I am thinking about stocking fillers for teens, they are hard to buy for aren’t they? Or is it just Jack that has my uber expensive taste in life. So finding the perfect stocking fillers for him take a lot of thought.

PicMonkey Collage older boys


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