Review On Your Feet At The Palace Theatre


Reviewing On Your Feet The Musical at the Palace Theatre last night gave me an opportunity to escape reality and live in an 80s latino world of music and dance. Getting the chance to do that once in a while is great for the soul.

I never forget the impact Doctor Beat had at the time, it was played everywhere! It was one of the tracks everyone chose on the juke box ( omg remember those?) You just assumed that The Miami Sound Machine had it made, they seemed to be a huge success over night. Everybody loved Gloria Estefan.

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ON YOUR FEET. Philippa Stefani 'Gloria Estefan' and Company. Photo Johan Persson (2)

On Your Feet’ Tells The Story Of Gloria and Emilio Estefan And How They Built A Brand.

However it was far from plain sailing. Carving out a career at a time that people of Cuban heritage and latin music, were far from considered as mainstream. Despite the fact that people loved the Music of The Miami Sound Machine, agents and music moguls continually tried to keep the band niche and appeal solely to a Hispanic audience.

However Emilio passionately believed that a global audience was out there and waiting. He never once gave up fighting to create a global brand. Never accepting the boundaries society and the music industry placed then in.

The show also looks at the struggles women had. Of how Gloria struggled living between the expectations; Of her Mother, her adoring but very sick Father and her biggest champion, her Consuelo.

Choosing whether to follow her dreams of become the family woman her mother wanted her to be. Or listen to those who told her to choose life.

But also how Emilio pushed her to be one of the highest grossing women singers of the time. At times you could see how fatigued Gloria felt, but Emilio always felt they could always reach higher.

ON YOUR FEET. Philippa Stefani 'Gloria Estefan' and George Ioannadis 'Emilio Estefan'. Photo Johan Persson

Then The Accident Happened

Resulting in Gloria suffering catastrophic injuries, however Emilio’s’ strength and belief in Gloria brought her through.

My Review Of On Your Feet

Philippa Stefani and George Ioannides play the perfect Gloria and Emilio you fall in love with them instantly. Additionally Karen Mann’s version of Consuelo has you laughing along the whole way through.

On Your Feet has so many levels, there were times I was laughing out loud, yet several scenes moved me to tears.

Every voice was incredible, the power seemed to build up as the story developed until the finale, which felt more like a party and had the whole audience up dancing for some time.

I left feeling upbeat and empowered. On Your Feet is a story about determination and strength. It highlights that despite someones apparent success, we really have no idea of the struggles they had to achieve that success.

On Your Feet is showing at the Palace Theatre in Manchester until the 2nd November and then on national tour throughout 2019, 2020 if you love latino rhythm and feeling great this is a must see.

ON YOUR FEET. Philippa Stefani 'Gloria Estefan' and Company. Photo Johan Persson

Disclaimer, I was gifted tickets in return for an honest review. I adored the show but that really wasn’t hard to do when something makes you want to dance so much. This post first featured here.

1 thought on “Review On Your Feet At The Palace Theatre”

  1. It sounds fabulous, I don’t know much about Gloria Estefan’s life but it certainly sounds interesting and I’ve listened to her music of course. Glad you had a fun evening x


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